
Scala (3) NoSQL (2) Artificial Intelligence (1) CouchDB (1) Groovy (1) JVM (1) Monads (1) SIP-18 (1)

Sunday, December 4, 2011


This is my first blog for the Reified Monads blogsite.  So let me briefly tease you with what you might expect from it.  As a Scala and problem solving enthusiast, my intent is to help demystify aspects of how you might really want to appropriately insert functional techniques in your code as well as how to reconcile those with the tradional OO capabilites Scala affords as well.  I am by no means an expert, so I imagine this being a blog-site with an evolving level of sophistication.

I don't view the fact that my fluency in Scala is a stratosphere or two away from Martin Odersky's (or the slightly less immortal Daniel Spiewak for that matter) as a bad thing.  My intent is to paint a humble picture of what real mortals encounter in their everyday practice of developing software for solving problems with NoSQL stores and Scala as their primary weapons.

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